GAME UK in Trouble? Oh Dear…

First they cancelled The Last Story Special Editions that had been pre-ordered with them, then they weren’t going to stock Tekken 3D Prime, then they weren’t going to stock Ubisoft’s PlayStation Vita launch line-up (which they are now doing) and now it looks like they will not be stocking Electronic Arts titles.

Yes, that includes the mighty flagship title from BioWare, Mass Effect 3, so this is going to be quite a hefty loss. Granted it seems that this could be a stance by GAME UK to try and re-coup some of their serious losses lately. EA have been pushing online passes, and there is a chance this could be a way for GAME to try and EA to play the same ball game.since the online passes are a direct attack on the used game market that chalks up most of the retailers profits.

It is uncertain how this will pan out in the long run, but it’ll be interesting to find out. Game companies have been increasingly interested in combating the used game market so we’ll see what happens, I’m just hopeful this doesn’t affect GAME Australia!! (Though they received all of the things that GAME UK didn’t… so I think I’m safe).

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