
Archive for August 24, 2010

Breaking 7,000

August 24, 2010 Leave a comment

So, my lowly blog pushes beyond the 7,000 hit mark. Not bad… although it has now been around for over three years. So maybe it could have performed better, however I have been pretty erratic with post times. Anyway, been going through a bit of a rough patch this month, finding it hard to get motivated. Its my own fault really.

I’m halfway through my Scott Pilgrim vs. The World review, so that’ll be up this weekend. However, be sure to check out vgZero for Nathanial Burrer’s official vgZero review of Scott Pilgrim. It should be a hoot. If only it had online so I could co-op it with him. Sad face, Ubisoft.

Apart from that, how awesome was Gamescom?! The answer is: very. Plenty of games on the horizon, which will keep my busy in my spare time when I’m not working. So, keep your eyes glued to this space! Well, not this space exactly… or you’ll never see my new blog entries.